Genome assembly and annotation

Genome annotation is a vital process that allows the identification of functional elements, such as genes, promotors, and enhancers, within a genome’s DNA sequence. As our understanding of genomes continues to improve over time, previously annotated genomes become outdated and require re-annotation. This process involves updating annotations using DNA and RNA sequencing data, including long-read sequencing approaches.

At Karda Genomics, we provide comprehensive genome annotation services, including re-annotation, to help researchers and organizations stay current with the latest genome knowledge. Our team of experts utilizes advanced bioinformatics software and tools to ensure the accuracy and completeness of genome annotations. Accurate genome annotation is crucial, as it provides insights into the functional elements of a genome and their roles in biological processes. Additionally, it enables professionals to investigate genetic diseases and develop new treatments and therapies.

Case study:

Genome annotation has played a significant role in the development of CRISPR-based gene editing techniques. These techniques allow researchers to selectively modify genes and study their function in various organisms. Genome annotation provides the necessary context and information to guide the design of CRISPR experiments, ensuring that the desired gene targets are accurately identified and modified. As a result, genome annotation helps to accelerate progress in a range of research fields, from basic biology to biotechnology and medicine.

Genome annotation is essential for businesses in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries for several reasons:

  • Competitive advantage: Accurate and comprehensive genome annotation provides a competitive edge in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. By staying up-to-date with the latest genome knowledge and utilizing advanced bioinformatics tools, businesses can gain an edge over their competitors and develop innovative products.
  • Intellectual property: Genome annotation can be used to create new intellectual property, including patents for genetic engineering techniques, gene therapies, and other biotech products. Accurate genome annotation can help businesses identify potential areas for patent protection and develop new products with commercial value.
  • Precision medicine: Genome annotation is an essential component of precision medicine, which aims to provide personalized healthcare tailored to an individual’s genetic makeup. Accurate genome annotation can help businesses develop new diagnostic tools and therapies that are tailored to an individual’s unique genetic profile.

The number of downstream analyses that become available is constantly expanding and Karda Genomics supports all recent approaches.

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